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Amazon A+ Videos for Think9
8 videos produced end to end from script to screen for Amazon listings
Video Production & Editing

Project Details

IndieFolio successfully connected Think9, a well-known house of brands, with Poras Thavnani, a talented video production specialist, to work on the brand "Panchamrit". The project involved creating 8 videos for Amazon listings, from concept to post-production.

Poras Thavnani took charge of the project and worked closely with Think9 to understand their vision and requirements for the videos. He brought his expertise to the table and created a concept that aligned perfectly with Think9's goals for the brand.

Poras also managed the casting, production, and post-production of the videos. His team worked efficiently to ensure that the videos were of the highest quality and met all the specifications required for Amazon listings.

The end result was a set of visually stunning and engaging videos that effectively showcased the features of Panchamrit and its unique selling points.


Poras Thavnani


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